Thursday, March 5, 2020

10 Gifts to Get Your Coworker

10 Gifts to Get Your Coworker The age-old dilemma of what to get your coworkers for their birthdays is one that most people are familiar with. The weird limbo of knowing your coworker well enough to get them a gift, but not well enough to know what kind of gift they would enjoy most is not a fun position to be in. Most people are also not ready to drop large sums of money for their workplace Secret Santa either. If you are having trouble finding that perfectly generic coworker gift, you have come to the right place. Here are 10 examples of gifts suitable for coworkers at any level of acquaintanceship: 1. Office supply holders This desk accessory holder is a good gift because it’s actually useful! The best coworker gifts are gifts that help them stay organized at work. 2. Ironic coffee mugs Nothing like coffee mugs that remind your coworker how tired they actually are! 3. These punny animal crackers Everyone loves a good pun! If you add in a pun to your gift, your coworker might not even notice that you spent less than $5 on it. 4. E-book subscription This is a really useful gift and can be fairly cheap as well! Buy your coworker a one-month subscription to an e-book supplier for an actually useful gift! 5. News subscription Similarly, sign your coworker up for a one-month subscription to their favorite news outlet. 6. Smartphone/tablet screen cleaner This is a super useful gift for a coworker. Tablet and phone screens are constantly smudged and dirty; this cleaner is a super useful tool to keeping your face grease off your phone. 7. Chocolate Any kind of chocolate is a great gift. If you get a large amount of chocolate, there’s a good change that your coworker will share in the future. 8. Socks This is the classic gift for someone that you aren’t good friends with, but feel obligated to get a gift for anyway. Get some fun socks and call it a day! 9. 6-foot memo roll A memo roll is a really fun work-related gift that would be perfect for your coworker. It’s a lot more interesting than regular sticky notes and useful as well! 10. Jargon stamp Keep your coworker hip and in-the-times with this office-themed jargon stamp. Before buying a gift, evaluate whether you should in the first place. Workplace gift giving can be awkward and unnecessary if it’s a large office where not everyone is necessarily close. Before you drop part of your weekly paycheck on a coworker you have talked to twice, ask around to see if your other coworkers are getting something. Oftentimes, only people who are close friends in the office will get gifts for one another, so it might not always be necessary to get your coworker a gift.  If it’s your boss, however, a little something might be nice to show that you care about them. If you do need to get your coworker a gift, but you aren’t sure what to get them, start your search with this list!

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